Why Are My Pipes Banging?

Your plumbing is capable of such a variety of sounds and from all kinds of sources and for all kinds of reasons, it’s enough to drive a grown home owner crazy. Those most likely to be driven crazy by the cacophonous symphony, however, are those who ignore the sounds hoping they’ll just go away.

We are here to tell you that, under most circumstances, when your plumbing starts making noises, it most assuredly is trying to tell you something, and usually that something is “Fix me!” Which means ignoring the noises is exactly the wrong thing to do if you truly want them to cease and desist.

blogOne unpleasant plumbing-related sound can best be described as a loud banging noise coming from your pipes. This is known to the plumbing community as “water hammer” and, if you’ve ever heard it, you know exactly why.

The most common form of water hammer comes from a faucet being turned on or shut off, although the sharp banging noise can come from any of your pipes. Water hammer also produces a ticking sound that frequently can be heard all over your house.

The point is, if you ever hear any odd noises that you suspect or know are coming from your plumbing, contact Boden Plumbing right away. Ignoring it could lead to one or more burst pipes and water damage to your home. Water hammer also can damage appliances, including your fridge, dishwasher, and water heater.

Instead, we’ll come out to your house, diagnose the symptoms, locate the cause of the problem, and then give you a guaranteed upfront price to get it fixed. And all with our 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We also can offer you solutions for avoiding water hammer in the future.

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