June 2016

The Benefits of a Gas Clothes Dryer

blogClothes dryers pretty just much go about their business, semi-quietly drying your clothes one load at a time.

Or so we would like you to think.

Because clothes dryers, you see, can be major energy guzzlers, sometimes consuming as much energy as new energy efficient refrigerators, washers, and dishwashers combined.

In fact, Americans spend about $9 billion and 60 billion kilowatt hours per year to dry our clothes.  But those numbers can come way, way down.

The biggest savings will come by switching from an electric to a gas clothes dryer – these cost up to 75% less to operate than electric dryers.  We know it’s not what you’re used to, as electric dryers are still the far more popular choice.   But as our society becomes increasingly energy conscious, gas dryers are slowly starting to gain on their electric counterparts.

In fact, you can now purchase a heat pump clothes dryer and save even more on your energy bills.  But your clothes will take a lot longer to dry, so there’s one technological innovation you want to pass on for the time being.

As for now, and assuming you’re in the market for a new or replacement dryer, you’d do well to give gas a serious look. And don’t worry if your laundry room isn’t already connected to your home’s natural or propane gas supply.  That’s where we come in.  As licensed plumbers and gas fitters, Boden Plumbing, Heating & Air can safely and correctly install a gas connection for your new dryer and, while we’re at it, any other new gas appliances you might be considering.  Contact us for more information or to schedule service today.


How to Lower Your Home Cooling Costs.

There’s nothing like coming in from the summer heat to a cool, comfortable home. Until the electricity bill comes, that is. Then maybe, despite the indoor cool, you find yourself getting a little hot under the collar and wondering what on earth you can do to air condition your home without having to sacrifice an arm, leg, or anything else that matters.

Well, don’t get mad, get busy saving energy around the house.  And here are 8 simple ways to help you do just that:

  1. blogUnplug appliances and electronics when not in use, which continue to draw energy when plugged in even if they’re turned off.
  1. Make the switch to LED lights, even just one room at a time. LED lights stay cool to the touch, and thus don’t add any heat to your indoor environment.  Plus, they consume far less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs.
  1. Keep the blinds, shades, and curtains closed during peak daylight hours, especially on hot, sunny days.
  1. Install programmable thermostats and pre-set them to higher than-than-normal temperatures during those hours when your house is empty.
  1. Stay hydrated and wear clothing made of breathable fibers like cotton.
  1. Avoid using the oven on those super-hot days. Consider using a slow-cooker, grilling, or simply enjoying your favorite pizza or salad for dinner.
  1. Run large appliances, like the dishwasher, washing machine and dryer at night or first thing in the morning, and remember to run them only when you have a full load. For even greater energy savings, try line drying your clothes.
  1. Seal gaps around your doors, windows, the areas where walls and ceiling meet, and around electrical outlets. The idea is to prevent cool air from escaping outdoors or into your attic.

Ready to save even more money on your home cooling costs?  Then contact Boden Plumbing, Heating & Air today to schedule our AC cleaning and inspection service.  It’s a service you should have performed once a year not just to keep your energy costs in line, but for improved system performance and a longer lifespan.